Wednesday 3 July 2013

DIY Home air Freshener

I stumbled across this little beauty on my Pinterest board the other day.
 I had forgot that I even pinned it.
It's a recipe for a DIY Home Air Freshener.

I am always searching for a lovely home scent. One that makes my house smell amazing.
Now, you might be wondering why I don't just use the ones in the shop or just burn a candle or something.
One reason...
Mr E, The Hubs.
He can't stand any of those smelly things. They make him cough and cranky and I really don't need that.

<Lemon and Rosemary>

So, this scent ticked all my boxes and it's cheap as chips to make.

You will need:
A fresh Lemon
A few sprigs of Rosemary
Vanilla essence
A pot

<lemon, vanilla and rosemary air freshener>

I put half a lemon, sliced, with 3 sprigs of Rosemary and 3 teaspoons of Vanilla in a pot.
Fill the pot up 2/3 of water and that's it.

<diy home air freshener>

Let it simmer on the stove or range and enjoy a house that smells of cupcakes.
(My daughter said it smelled of cupcakes.)
Make sure to top it up with water throughout the day or you'll get a burned cupcake smell. Not good!
You should get two or three days out of one pot. After that it gets kinda messy.

Thanks for stopping by!


  1. Lovely idea! Im sure a vanilla pod would be DELICIOUS too!! Glad to see you are another Pinterest fanatic!!!!!!!

  2. Thanks for stopping by and commenting on my little old blog. I am in LOVE with pinterest. It is fantastic for finding inspiration and ideas.


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