Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Lottie Doll review

We were sent a little surprise for my daughter awhile back from the lovely people at Lottie Doll. You may have seen these dolls on the Late Late Toy Show for the late two years. I can't tell you how excited I was when they contacted me about reviewing these dolls. 

Lottie Doll are award-winning, childlike dolls, that empower young minds and nurture individuality through play. Unlike other dolls, Lottie and Finn are based on characters that are nine years of age. Lottie and Finn are relatable, age-appropriate and fun dolls. 

Their motto is
Be Brave, Be Bold, Be Beautiful

8 thing you may not know about Lottie

Irish made!

We were sent the pony flag race lottiepony flag race accessory set and Seren, the welsh mountain pony. The look on my pony mad daughters face when she opened up the boxes was priceless. She loved the doll and the pony. The accessories were amazing. The rosettes and the extra cover for the helmet were just perfect. Very realistic. And that's coming from someone that rides horses. 

Lottie is a positive doll. She is age appropriate, wears no make up or jewellery or high heels. No super skinny waists and does not have boobs. She is designed for children aged 3-9 years. She also dresses in age appropriate clothes, no crop tops or bootie shorts here. 

We've had out doll with awhile now and I can tell you that they stand up to alot of playing. Lottie has been taken on lots of adventures around the house and garden and even survived an attack from a very enthusiastic 3 year old boy. 

I love that Lottie can stand on her own two feet with shoes on. This comes in handy when Jasmin is doing photo shoots with her. But, I also love that it shows young girls that they can stand on their own two feet too. That they can be adventurous and explore and it not just for boys.

With over 12 dolls in the range, there is something for everyone. I can't wait to add to our collection.

The packaging is just lovely too. Each doll box is themed and designed with a cute handle to encourage reuse and doll portability. The bright and colourful Lottie doll packaging has been designed with the aim of lessening the use of plastic packaging and the use of those horribly annoying and tricky wire ties. I hate them and they take forever to open. 

If you're interested in buying a Lottie doll for the little ones in your life you can use the store locator on there website or just buy one online {here} . And, if you sign up for the Lottie club, you can receive the latest news as well as details of bundle offers. Plus you can redeem a 10% discount only for club members.

**We were sent the Lottie doll and accessories to review. All thoughts and opinions are my own and 100% honest. We were not paid for this review.

Monday, 25 January 2016

The weekend recap linky

The Weekend Recap Linky

Welcome to another week of The Weekend Recap. A weekly link up where anyone is free to join in and share there adventures from the weekend. All you have to do is add your link, using the tool at the bottom of the post. If you tweet about it or instagram about it, use the #theweekendrecaplinky so I can like and share your posts. 

Saturday was one of those day where I wish  could go back and redo. Or just forget it ever happened but because I can't I decided to finish the day on a good note. We got takeaway and the kids and I watch a movie. Then I ran a hot bath, put on a face mask and hair treatment and relaxed for the longest time in there. I haven't had a bath in forever. It was just what I needed. 

Sunday morning, we had communion mass. Every few weeks there is a special mass in the church for the kids getting communion this year. We got to put our Sunday best  on and have a little mommy/daughter time. The two men of the house went and did what ever men do on a Sunday morning. After that we headed to Ballybunion Beach with my sister and her boyfriend and their dog, Wally. It was an amazing day back there. Perfect day for having some family fun. There were people surfing and a guy doing some giant sand art. It was exactly what I needed. And I took loads of selfies with the kids. I've made a promise to be in more pictures this year. I'm always the one behind the camera. No more! It's the year of the selfie and being in the picture. 

Don't forget to join in on the fun with your posts and use the hashtag #theweekendrecaplinky so I can share your posts.

Link up and join in the fun.

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Friday, 22 January 2016

Dresses, bones and slow cooking #littleloves

Happy Friday Friends. 
I'm linking up with the lovely Morgana over at Coffee, Work, Sleep, Repeat for #Littleloves.


Lots of magazines this week. I love looking at these for inspiration for my home and who doesn't love Chloe Kardashain. she's my favourite dash girl.

Bones is back this week. I love all those kinds of shows. CSI, Criminal Minds. All that. Oh and the other huge reason that I love it... David Boreanaz. I fell in love with this man back in the day when he was on Buffy. Very easy watching. 

I'll just leave this here. 

I bought a slow cooker about a week ago and it's been sitting in the box until Wednesday night. I was afraid to try cooking something in it. I've never used one before. I've done all the research, found some lovely recipes but didn't want to leave it alone all day in case it blew up or something. I tried beef stew for my first go and it turned out lovely. And it didn't blow up. I'm pretty sure I can let it cook away while I'm out and about now. If you have any family friendly recipes leave them in the comments below. 

Clothes. Ha! But seriously. Nothing too fancy here this week. I really need to start taking some pictures of when I do actually get dressed up nice and not my momiform. I have been wearing my fav hat that I got at Christmas. It's a fake fur bobble hat from Penneys. It's perfect for hiding my hair on a bad hair day and so nice that someone tries to "borrow" it. 

My little girl is getting her holy communion this year and all I've been hearing is what she would like her dress to be like. Lace, bling and flowy is what I'm hear for now but I'm sure it'll change everyday until we actually but a dress. I've been looking around and nothing really caught my eye yet but the price of some of there dresses. Crazy!! I'm going to do my best to find a bargain.

And Lastly
I've started a new series here on the blog. It's called "20 Questions : Getting to know the Blogger". I will be featuring a new blogger or small business owner every fortnight, where they answer 20 questions and introduce themselves to my readers. The first interview is live and if you want to have a look {click here}. If you want to take part, just shoot me an email at

Have a great weekend everyone! 

Wednesday, 20 January 2016

20 Questions :Getting to know the Blogger

Welcome to the first installment of 20 Questions: Getting to know the Blogger. This week were talking to Ellen from Bumps and Roundabouts. A busy mom of one with another on the way. Follow along on her adventures in parenting on her social media accounts FacebookTwitter and Instagram


Hello, I’m Ellen and I blog over at Bumps and Roundabouts. I am Mom to one toddler, with the ability to smell out biscuits from over 5 miles. I am also due his partner in crime in March this year. I blog about everything and anything from parenting to baking, make up to TV shows, all the bumps and roundabouts I encounter in life.

Favourite childhood book.
Granny Perkin’s thinking cap – My mom would read it to my cousin and me when we were growing up and it will always be the book that I think of when I think of my childhood. Sadly, I never held onto my original one but luckily I tracked one down a few years ago and have given it to my Mom to read to Aidan as he grows up.

Favourite quote.
“Everydays the first of the rest of your life”
or “Tigers don’t concern themselves with the opinions of sheep”. It really depends what sort of mood I’m in but those two are ones I tell myself a lot.

Favourite clothing store.
Penneys! I think all girls love Penneys (Primark). The trouble is I go in for socks and come out with three full bags and one empty purse.

Favourite song/band.
I got ahead of myself I see.. As I said above my favourite song is ‘Angels on the moon’ by Thriving Ivory. Who would also be one of my favourite bands. 

Biggest fear.
Coffins. I can’t see one without panicing and usually crying. Strange, I know. I don’t have a fear of dying – just coffins. I want to be burned and put into the bin when the time comes.

Any piercings/tattoos.
I had my ears, tongue and bellybutton pierced but I have let them all close up. I have 5 tattoos – my arm, back, neck, side and ankle.

Weird quirk of mine.
All the hangers in my wardrobe have to match. I bulk order hangers from Amazon. Metal ones with different coloured handles. Aidan’s wardrobe also has matching plastic hangers I bought from Tesco. Clayton’s wardrobe gets all the mismatched hangers! 

Something I like to collect.
Cleaning products. I will always have an unopen 6 pack of sponges, scouring pads, 2/3 extra bottles of bleach, extra bottle of fabric softener, floor cleaner. You name it, I have spares. 

The more of these questions I am answering the weirder I am sounding, right?

Favourite comfort food.
Anything with sugar – chocolate, jellies, biscuits!

Dream job.
Being paid to be a parent? Right now there is no job in the world that would trump getting to stay home with Aidan. However, when the time comes I hope to use my Chemistry degree and work in a research and development lab.

Favourite thing about me.
They say Irish people can’t take a compliment so how do they expect us to compliment ourselves? Can I say I like my top and then follow up with “This? Penneys €4!”

Worst habit.
Procrastinating. I have been meaning to get my flu injection for about 6-8 weeks now and make an appointment to get my haircut for about 6 months. If it’s not for Aidan or absolutely necessary I tend to keep putting it off. 

Guilty pleasure.
Big Brother. Although I am not too interested this year compared to other years.

Something you miss.
Living at home, baby free, not knowing anything about bills or budgeting. Don’t get me wrong if I had to move back in with my parents I would probably cry but I do miss the easier days of having someone else paying the bills, making the dinner and tidying the house.

3 things you would take to an island
Assuming all the important people are already there… my phone, tea bags and Dettol wipes. Aidan will sniff out any food that may be present anyway!

Last time you cried.
The other night when I watched ‘Dear Zachary’. It is of the same genre as Making a Murderer but if you’re going to watch it DO NOT Google it first. It’s on Youtube, but be prepared you will cry.

If I won the lotto.
The usual stuff – buy a house, a new car, give money to family, help charity and go on a crazy spending spree! Ideally, I would also love to buy one of the many ghost estates around the country to help with Ireland’s ever growing homelessness issue.

What makes me feel better, always.
Aidan. One smile can fix anything.

Where I most want to travel.
Bora Bora. It is self-explanatory surely. It looks so beautiful and relaxing.

Where I want to be in 10 years.
I want to have a happy and healthy family. Anything else is a bonus.

**Calling all bloggers, moms, small business owners or anyone that's interested**
If would like to answer these questions and be featured on my blog, leave a comment below with your email and I will email you the questions. I'd love to make a little series out of this to get to know more of you lovely people and share your blogs and/or talents.

Shoot me an email at 

Monday, 18 January 2016

The Weekend Recap Linky

The Weekend Recap Linky

Welcome to another week of The Weekend Recap. A weekly link up where anyone is free to join in and share there adventures from the weekend. All you have to do is add your link, using the tool at the bottom of the post. If you tweet about it or instagram about it, use the #theweekendrecaplinky so I can like and share your posts. 

We didn't get up to a whole pile on Saturday. Being stuck at home for 2 day because of the ice, we had things to catch up on. We did manage to see some friends and hang out with the ponies and meet the newest member to the family, Taffy. Her mom died after giving birth so were looking after her for a few day and feeding her milk. She is the funniest little thing. Came home after a fun day to pizza and a movie night and a huge open fire. Lovely finish to the day. 

Sunday started off as a miserable day. The rain came back to try spoil our fun but it didn't stop us going on our adventure. We headed to the local railway track for a family walk. My sister and her boyfriend brought their golden retriever, Wally. We found Dinosaur in the woods and sharks were seen in the river below us. We found Ben's house, from Ben and Holly, but he wasn't home. We headed back to Nana's house for poached eggs on toast and tea to warm up. Another great weekend out in the fresh air. 

Don't forget to join inon the fun with your posts and use the hashtag #theweekendrecaplinky so I can share your posts.

Link up and join in the fun.

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Friday, 15 January 2016

Snow, cakes and blogging #Little Loves

Happy Friday Friends. Do you have snow where you are? I'm stuck up on the hill with 2 days now but the sun is shining and I'm hoping we'll get out soon. 
I'm linking up with the lovely Morgana over at Coffee, Work, Sleep, Repeat for #Littleloves.

I've been reading lots of blogs this week, catching up on all I've missed out over the holidays. With back to school madness, I've been doing lots of homework with Jasmin. The break has gotten her out of practice and homework is taking a little longer than normal. 

We've been watching Operation Transformation with the last two week. There's a local woman taking part in the show this year so we love seeing how she getting on. Jasmin and I took part in a 5k last weekend as part of the Operation Transformation program. You can read about that {here}

It's my brothers birthday. Happy Birthday Daffy!! And for the past 3 year {so he says} he's asked me to make a chainsaw cake for him. I never thought I'd be able to make one though. I'm the family cake baker so it falls on me to make the cakes. I don't mind. Who doesn't love cake.

Oh, and lot of Banana Bread. {recipe here}

We wore lots of boots and woolly hats this week with the snow and ice. I can't wait to be able to get out and walk and run slowly. I got these amazing Sketchers memory foam trainers for Christmas and they haven't gotten nearly enough wear yet. 

All I've heard with the last few days is, "Mom, Mom, it'snowing, it's snowing!!". When really it was raining with a little snow. I really wish we did get snow instead of this frozen mess that we do have but I'll take a day off any day. The other thing we heard is One Directions album. 'd like to say that my 8 year old got it for Christmas but no, it was me. And I just love it. Yes, I'm probably, just slightly, too old to love them but I just do. 

And Lastly
I've started a new series here on the blog. It's called "20 Questions : Getting to know the Blogger". I will be featuring a new blogger or small business owner every fortnight, where they answer 20 questions and introduce themselves to my readers. If you want to take part, just shoot me as email at

Have a great weekend everyone! 

Thursday, 14 January 2016

20 Questions : Getting to know the Blogger

Favourite childhood book.
My favourite book was a book about a girl who moved to the Scottish moors and found a wild pony and fell in love with it. Can't remember the name but it explains why I still love horses and the outdoors.

Favourite quote.
Overthinking kills your happiness.

Favourite clothing store.

Favourite song/band.
Would have to be Kings of Leon.

Biggest fear.
Spiders. Can't handle them at all.

Any piercings/tattoos.
1 tattoo on my lower back. I have my ears pierced and one body piercing.

Weird quirk of mine.
I don't eat fried eggs whites. Can't do it. And I can pop my hip and crack my jaw on command.

Something I like to collect.
Notebooks and stationary. Don't know why but I just can't get enough of it.

Favourite comfort food.
Buttery mash with raw onion and chicken pie.

Dream job.
I'll tell you when I find out.

Favourite thing about me.
My sense of humor and seeing the good it people and situations.

Worst habit.
Forgetting things. I don't do it intentional. I just forget. Alot.

Guilty pleasure.
I love One Direction.

Something you miss.
Lost friendships. People change but I still miss the friendship and fun we had.

3 things you would take to an island
Wind up radio, matches, knife.

Last time you cried.
When I watched "The odd life of Timothy Green". Such a lovely movie.

If I won the lotto.
I'd like to say, I'd go mad a spend a load of it on crazy things but I'd pay off some debt, do some jobs around the house and go to Disney land with the kids.

What makes me feel better, always.
A hug from my son. Always!

Where I most want to travel.

Where I want to be in 10 years.

**Calling all bloggers, moms, small business owners or anyone that's interested**
If would like to answer these questions and be featured on my blog, leave a comment below with your email and I will email you the questions. I'd love to make a little series out of this to get to know more of you lovely people and share your blogs and/or talents.
Shoot me an email at 

Monday, 11 January 2016

The Weekend Recap #1

The Weekend Recap

It's January. The blogging juices should be flowing. I should be inspired to write all kinds of new year, new me, blah, blah blah. But, I'm not. I'm drawing a blank. I know I'm not alone in this, right?? In a hope to inspire myself and others to get back blogging, I'm starting a link up, The Weekend Recap. 

My blog is a life/family journal as well as a place to share my creative projects and whatever else takes my fancy. So I'm going to share a recap of the fun and boring thing that we get up to. It will be a keepsake for me to look back on. It will give me something to write about at least one day a week and hopefully the juices will start flowing. And the best part is, you can all join in too. 

We had an early start on Saturday. We were heading to Newcastle West to take part in the Operation Transformation 5k walk to support Claire. She is one of the leaders this year and is a local lady. The morning was freezing but dry and the excitement was high. Jasmin has been bugging me with ages to do a 5k so off we went. There were huge number there, not sure how many yet, despite the cold weather. There was tv cameras and people from the tele (as Jasmin put it) getting footage for the show. We did the 5k in just over an hour. Slow, I know.But the crowds made the going slow. We met a friend and her kids there and it made the day even better to have someone to share it with. We're already looking forward to the next one. 

Sunday was another busy day of activity. We went to follow our friends who were taking part in a local drag hunt. One of the members is collecting for the Hope foundation so we went to support a great cause. The sun shone all day again even if it was freezing. We spent the day with the kids and there cousins. They had a ball running through the fields and eating the picnic I brought. Daddy had to carry Paddy for some of it. Short legs aren't the best in high grass. It was a lovely day spent with family. We came home a little bit of every field we went into but also came home with great memories. 

And that my friends was our very busy weekend. The kids were exhausted after all the fun and fresh air. I'm looking forward to lots more dry days so we can get out and have some more family fun. 

Now, it's your turn. Link up your posts below. Have a look around at the other bloggers and leave a comment if you like anything that you see. You might even find somewhere new to explore.

Link up and join in the fun.

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